Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Grandpa Bob

Calvin had a nice visit with Nana and Grandpa, and he even got to help Grandpa with a little work!

"Hey Grandpa, I have some good ideas for you"

"pretty good, could I borrow your glasses to take a closer look?"

"Now, I would change this line, and add something a little like this..."

"See? I knew I could help!"


Calvins first Christmas gift was the Little Tikes Car, aka Fred! Of course, if you know Ted and I you know we can't wait to give gifts, so of course, Calvin got his gift a week early!

Calvin really enjoyed helping Daddy put Fred together.

Yeah! Finally ready to go for a spin!

Here Cal is showing off how he no longer needs to hail a taxi, he has got a ride of his own!

Daddy and Cal love racing around the house!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snow Daze!

After the 'blizzard of 2010' we had to go outside for a little snow-play! We only had about 10 minutes outside (after taking 15 to get ready :)) , but it was a fun 10 minutes! Calvin was very intrigued by the look of things outside, so it was fun to get him out to experience it first hand.

Snow Angels, Big, Medium and Small (sorry Mom's got cut off in this picture)

Isn't he just the cutest?! Thanks Grammy for the snowsuit and hat!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Swimming Lessons

Cal is taking swimming lessons with his cousin Francie, and friend Max. He loves the water! The moment Ted walks into the water with him his legs and arms start flailing! He is so much fun to watch, he looks like he has so much fun.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Cal's first halloween!

He was cheerful during the day in his pumpkin shirt.

And by night he became superman! (or superbaby if you prefer)

By the end of his evening, he found the candy bowl :)

All in all, I think he had a pretty good day.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Sorry it's been so long...

Calvin is getting so big, and he is absolutely a bundle of love! He is 8 months old now, can you believe it?

He now has 5 teeth! His 2 front teeth on top, and 3 on the bottom. He loves to bite... shoulders especially. He also loves to eat, yogurt and prunes is a fav (gross), pears, sweet potatoes and squash are also good. He has also started to really enjoy anything he can chew on (this includes any paper he can find!)

He crawls! Well, kinda. I call it his commando creep. Think of a soldier crawling in the mud under barbed wire... got the picture in your head? Yep, that is Calvin! It is amazing how fast he can go! When I come home, Calvin will see me come in the door, and in about 3 seconds he is at my feet. It makes me want to leave just so I can come home to that welcome :)

On to talking... he makes the cutest noises. I think some of them may be 'close' to being a first word! Dadada comes out a lot, but I am not sure if he connects it to his dad yet! My favorite, mba mba mba (kinda sounds like bob, bob, bob). I think this is his 'goodbye'. Although I know dad would like it to actually be Bob!

So, it is amazing how fast he is growing. I promise I will get better at updating more often! Halloween is this weekend, I will make sure to post pictures!